CIA whistle-blower EDWARD SNOWDEN granted permanent residency in Russia, after eight year exile
By Joe Davis & Associated Press, LONDON (with reporting by Ross Ibbeston) In, Russia … … leaked information showing that agents from the...

Jihadist Attack IN FRANCE -- Free Speech
By Tjeerd, Cartoon Movement, AMSTERDAM (VoxEurop: Cartoon) Samuel Paty, 47, murdered near the school where he taught … a course on,...
Half of Donald Trump's supporters believe QAnon claim, a child SEX-TRAFFICKING RING run by top Dems
By Geoff Earle, LONDON (Daily Mail: Headlines) Twitter and YouTube… crackdown… WHAT, IS QANON? “Deep state” cabal… the deep state… 02 * *...
Interview: Don Blankenship, US Constitution Party presidential nominee
By William S. Saturn (Wikinews) “King, Of Coal” … conspiracy to violate safety standards willfully, one year prison sentence, 2016....
"QAnon has nothing to do with election" says RNC chair, after Trump refused to condemn CONSPIRACY
By Katelyn Caralle, LONDON (Daily Mail: Headlines) QAnon … Facebook, Twitter and… campaigns… crackdowns… WHAT, IS QANON? 4chan… clues…...

In QAnon-linked US candidates, populism meets CONSPIRACY
By Joseph Stepansky (Al Jazeera: World News) In Qanon, Brian Levin, the director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at...
QAnon supporters behind canceled fundraiser give Trump $1M
By Associated Press, WASHINGTON (Daily Mail: Wires) [void] Read The Mail

YouTube cracks down on QAnon, banning conspiracy content targeting individuals
By Elizabeth Culliford, BIRMINGHAM, England (Reuters News) [void] Read Reuters
YouTube bans QAnon videos in crackdown on CONSPIRACY theories
By Keith Griffith, LONDON (Daily Mail: Headlines) [void] 02 * * | #CONSPIRACY: Read The Mail

Deaths of Syrian mercenaries shows how Turkey, Russia sucked into Nargano-Karabakh conflict
By Kareem Fahim (ISTANBUL), Isabelle Khurshudya (MOSCOW) & Zakaria Zakaria (DOHA) Journalists in Azabaijani territory on the edge of...
Kenyan officials investigating death in police custody
By Tom Odula, NAIROBI (Washington Post | Associated Press) “« We have reason to believe that the officers at Mbururu police post who...
Ethiopia's Shura Kitata sprints to London Marathon win, as Eliud Kipchoge suffers rare defeat
From, Reuters (Daily Mail: Wires) | Reporting by Mitch Phillips; Editing by David Goodman and Hugh Lawson [void] Read Reuters

QAnon's Inexorable Spread Beyond the U.S. -- The Most Dangerous Cult of Our Times
From Der Spiegel | Patrick Beuth, Marie Groß, Roman Höfner, Max Hoppenstedt, Judith Horchert, Katrin Kuntz, Alexandra Rojkov, Alexander...
In, A Lie: Secret Global Plot Organised By Bill Gates
By Jemma Car & Katie Feehan (Daily Mail: Headlines0 Lock-down restrictions. . . . . . a "HOAX." David Icke: "Stop, the psychopaths!" Matt...

Pope: Rest and Adopt Simpler Lives
By Ryan Fehey (Daily Mail: Headlines) The cancellation, of debts. . . . . . a crossroad. 02* * | #crossroads Read The Mail