The Latest: IS claims deadly Kabul attack on Shiite students
5 p.m. local time – "The deliberate targeting of civilians and the targeting of places of education is a war crime" ~ Samira Hamadi,...

The Olympics could help solve the Korean crisis -- if Seoul allows it
[Kim Jong Un’s grandfather] Kim Il Sung’s protestation fell on deaf ears. [Mikhail] Gorbachev, in dire need of foreign cash to prop up...

Trump in China: Chinese citizens describe AMERICA in one phrase
As Donald Trump heads to China as part of his Asia trip, the BBC asks residents in Shanghai for their impressions of the US – and what...
Workers Struggle -- French Polynesian public servants strike
Public servants in the small Pacific colony of French Polynesia stuck on Wednesday to protest the French government’s plan to impose...
South Korea backs Trump's threats to "totally destroy" North Korea
Another anonymous source from South Korea, similarly told the paper [Asia Today, in July], "North Korean high-ranking officials in China...

North Korea may detonate nuclear bomb in Pacific, foreign minister tells reporters
In recent weeks, North Korea has tested ballistic missiles and an apparent hydrogen bomb in the dace of international economic sanctions...
S.Korea approves aid to N.Korea, North calls Trump "barking dog"
Chinese Foreign Minister Want Yi said the situation on the Korean peninsula was getting more serious by the day and could not be allowed...

US urges China to use oil leverage on North Korea
"… And, at the end of the day, everyone knows that the solution is diplomatic, and you cannot have a diplomatic solution without China" ~...

![Q&A: Samsung chief [Lee Jae-yong] is jailed. Here's what you need to know.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/15e548_e385b499a51e4624ba60feb7ec2cf018~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_354,h_256,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/15e548_e385b499a51e4624ba60feb7ec2cf018~mv2.webp)
Q&A: Samsung chief [Lee Jae-yong] is jailed. Here's what you need to know.
-- IS SAMSUNG’S FUTURE IN JEOPARDY? The is also potential for a destabilizing family feud over inheritance when the elder Lee dies. Read...

Japan Prime Minister Abe reshuffles Cabinet as support dips
Yoshimasa Hayashi, another fluent English speaker and former agriculture minister, was appointed to head the Ministry of Education,...
US ambassador calls for RELEASE of jailed Vietnam activist
Tran Thi Nga was convicted and sentenced on a one-day trial Tuesday on charges of producing videos that defame the country’s leadership....